Sunday, 31 July 2011

The Nation

                    A  nation   may  refer to a   community of  people who  share  a  common  territory   and  government  ,and  who  often   share  a  common  language  ,race,  descent,or   history  .    In  international   relations   NATION   can  refer  to a  country  or  sovereign  state  .   The  United  Nations   ,for  instance  ,  speaks  of  how   it  was  founded  after  the  second  world  war  by  51  countries   and   currently  has  193  member  state.

The Country .

                 A   COUNTRRY  is  a  geograph ical region  .  A   country  may  be  the  territory  of   a  sovereign  state  ,the  territory   of a   non-sovereign  (or  formerly  sovereign)  political  division  ,or  a  region  associated  with  a  certain  people  .

Sunday, 17 July 2011



              Diplomatic    recognition   must  be  distinguished  from  recognition of  states  and  and  their  governments  .The  fact  that  do  not  maintain  bilateral  diplomatic  relations  does  not  mean  that  they  do  not recognize  or  treat  one   another  as states.         A state   is   not   required   to   accord   formal  recognition   to   any   other   state  ,  but   it   is   required  to  treat  any  entity  that   meet  certain  requirements   .      A state   has   a  responsibility   to  not  recognize   as  a  state  any   entity   that  has   attained   the  qualifications  for   statehood by   violating  the  prohibition  on  the   threat or  use   of  force  in  the   U.N charter.                                                                           State  can  exercise  their   powers    either   explicitly  or  implicitly  .       Defactto  recognition of  states  rather  than de jure  ,is  rare. Dejure  recognition  is   stronger  , while  defacto   recognition  more   tentative  only  recognizes that   a  government  exercise   control   over a  territory  .  

Sunday, 10 July 2011


                 Sovereingty  is the quality  of  having  supreme,  independent  authority   over a geographic  area, such  as  a  territory  . It can be  found  in  a  power  to   rule and  make  law that rests on  a  political  fact  for  which  no  purely  legal  explanation  can  be  proved  .  The  United  Nations   currently   only  requires   that  a  sovereign  state  has  an  effectiive    and  independent  government  within  a   defined  territory.                    
                  According  to  international  law   norms  ,states  are   only  required  to   have  an effective  and  independent  system  of  government  pursuant  to  a   community  within  a  defined territory  .

Saturday, 9 July 2011


               According the Oxford English Dictionary , a state in "a/an organized politival community under one government , a commonwealth, a nation , b/such a community forming part of a federad repulic, esp the united state of America.  "

              However, the most commonly used the definition of the state is a compulsory political organization with a centralized government that maimtains a monopoly of legitimate use of forve within a certain territory.

              General categories of state institution  include administrative bureaucracies ,legal systems , and military or religions onganizations.

              The concept of the state can be distinguish from the concept of government.
             The government is the particular group of people, the adiministrative bureaucracy , the controls the state apparatus at a given time.

             States are served by a continuous succession of different governments .
State can also be distinguished from the concept of a "nation" which refers to a large geographical area, and the people there who perceive themselves as having a common identity.  

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Nationality and the state



Statelessness is the legal social concept of a lack of belonging (or a lawfully enforceable claim) to any recognised state.


The convention relating to the status of stateless persons was signed in September 1954 .


It was complemented by the “statelessness reduction convention ” seven years later .

The 1954 status convention provided for the UNHCR to issue travel documents to stateless persons.

The 1961 stateless reduction convention was a significant aspiration achievement in  working to eleminate the problem of statelessness, or at least the problems associated with it.