Friday, 30 December 2011

Over view of The Taiwan Consensus ,the Shadow of Tsai.

                                  The  latest  Taiwan  Consensus is   detailed  by  Tsai  Ing-wen  :
                1.It  will  accommodate the  people's majority opinion  and will be designed to  handle cross-strait
relation in  the  long  run .
               2. It will  offer  good  will and  a  positive   out  look.
               3.It will  uphold  the  national principles of  democracy ,equality and peace.
 I   see  nothing in  the   latest Taiwan  Consensus .  Does  she  know the  Democratic  System should  be  transparent  ? What  is  the  democratic value ?
             I see  something  , expression  on  Tsai's  face which has  depreesion manner  or  appearance ,

Tsai !  Please, take  care  about your  Health !   Don't  misunderstand  to  the  National  Security  Council  .
They  know  about  that,  " Duty   is  Duty" .   I  think , Tsai  can not  step  out of the  shadow of  the  former  presidents  Chen Shiu-bian  and Lee Teng-hui  .
          That is   my  shortest  conclusion  for  Tsai  who is  like  a  hermit  crab.
          No dialogue  , No  democracy!  
         Don't  forget  the  319   Incident.(  THE  BIG  BLACK  SPOT  of  the   ROC  history ). 

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Over View of the 1992 Consensus

The PRC has stated that any group in Taiwan with it has formal talks must support the 1992 Consensus.

The 1992 Consensus was invoked again the following year, when KMT’s chairman Lien Chan and People’s First Party (PFP) chairman Song Chu-Yu made the separate trips to Mainland China to begin party-to-party dialogue between the CCP and the KMT and  the CCP and PFP .  Both leaders explicitly endorsed the 1992 Consensus.

During the debates between the KMT candidate Ma Ying-jeou and DPP candidate Frank Hsieh in the lead-up to the 2008 presidential election,  Ma stated that 1992 Consensus undoubtedly existed,  while the DPP were entitled to disagree with it.

In March, PRC’s state news agency Xinhua in its English website reported a telephone discussion between the PRC president Hu Jintao and his counterpart George W. Bush. The agency reported that it is the PRC’s “consistent stand that the Chinese Mainland and Taiwan should restore consultation and talks on the basis of the 1992 Consensus, which sees both sides recognized that  there is only one China, but agree to differ on its one China definition ”.

In his inauguration speech on 20 May 2008, ROC president MaYing-jeou stated that in 1992,  the two sides of the strait reached a consensus which saw “one China with different interpretations” and the ROC would resume talks with the PRC as soon as possible based on the 1992 Consensus.

So the 1992 consensus is the window of the Taiwan Cross-strait relation , the basis of the dialogue between the PRC and the ROC, a label of the democratic value lightening  above the cross-strait  sky .

The cross-strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) is the window of Taiwan to look out the global economy.

Monday, 26 December 2011

Too late now, Tsai's policy of relationship with PRC.

The 23 sovereign states , recognition of the ROC.

The U.S.A. government policy and the Taiwan Relation Act ( 1979 )

                            The Taiwan Relation Act  authorizes de  facto  diplomatic relation  with  the  governing authorities on  Taiwan by  giving  special  powers to  the  American  Institute  in  Taiwan  to  the  level  that ,
it is the  de  facto  embassy .
                        According to   the  three  joint  communiques were  signed  in 1972,1979, and 1982 , the  U.S.A.  government  and  the  P.R.C. government  have  started   the  diplomatic  relation   to  recognize
 as  state  to  state  communication .
                  In July 2007 congreesional research  service report confirmed that  the  US  policy has  not  recognized the  P.R.C's  sovereignty  over  Taiwan . But  the  U.S.A  has  recognized  the  government  of 
the  P.R.C as  the  legal  government  of  China  and  it acknowledges the  chinese  position  that  is but  one
 China  and Taiwan is  part  of China .
                     In  2011, only  23  states offcially recognized  the   R.O.C  government ,  
According   to  the    U.N  general  assembly  resolution    2758  in  1971,  the  PRC  has    become   the
successor  government  to  the  ROC in  represending  China   and  seats in  all   the   UN  organs  had  been  previously  held  by  the  ROC  .  
               Examined  with the  UN  general  assembly resolusion  505 ,passed  on  February  1952  ,considered  the  PRC  government  to  be  rebel  against  the  ROC. 

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Another Three Little Pigs Story , The DPP's three piggies bank movement .

                       The  DPP has  been handing  out  the  piggies  bank for  small donation  from  poorers volters. I think  that , this   movement  has  a  problem  for  the  bank  when  it   receives the    piggies bank  money  which has  to  be  sorted  between  the  real or actual  and  the  counterfeit  coins or  currency notes under  the process of counting  .Are  you  ready  Mr. Bank?  ............, Thanks everybody. 
                   The  three  little  pigs   of  the  DPP  have   more  then  one  color  after   handing  out . which  pig  built  the  house out  of  straw or  the  house  out  of   sticks  or  the  house  out  of  bricks  respectively .  
                   As  you  like   to   think  which  and   what  , it  is  a   responsibility !

The Three Little pigs , The Subsequent Re-tellings .

                   A  well  known  version  of  the  three  little  pigs in   an  award-winning  1933,  by  Walt  Disney  .is  a  very  popular cartoon   which  can  be  seen as  new  vision .

Sunday, 18 December 2011

TaiMed Scandal

                        The  Special  Investigation Division  ( SID ) has  begun  to  launch probes   the TaiMed Scandal .  It may  have  some  law  issue  of  violation  the  Public  Law or  Public  Order  .If  The  SID  has  found  out  the  prima  facie  evidence  , sufficient to  justify,submitting  a  party's claim.  The SID  will support a verdict  in favor  of  that  party  on  the  issue  of   civil  servant  Act. So,  After  SID  has  taken  an  action  of  inquiry   for  TaiMed Scandal  , I  think that  , Each  party  would  stop  to  use  the  word smearing  to accuse  each  other  or  verbal  war  .  It  means  the  Justice for  every party  according  to  Law.  I hope,   It      will  be  not  happend  another  Chen  Shui-bian Scandal ,or Insider  Trading ,or  a  high  rank government  officer corruption .in  the  ROC  history  .
                     I  believe  that  the  Special  Investigation Division  ( SID )  has  an  independent   authority to    investicate  the  top  news  , TaiMed   scandal  .

The original document of TaiMed Inc,


Tsai's role in TaiMed Affair

TaiMed Scandal

Friday, 16 December 2011

Singal woman

                 Singal   Women  are  women who  are not  engaged  or   in  a  relationship   with  another  person  of   the  opposite  sex  . They  don't  believe  in  the  concept of   marriage   and  avoid  being  in  relationship  .They  are generally  quite  independent  , candid  and  forthright   since  they  carry  out  all  their  tesks themselves  .
                Singal   woman  may fall   in  prey  and  become  a  victim  of   solitude  and   loneliness  since  they  always  have  to  fend  for  themselves .
              What  does  the bible  have  to   say about  single  women  ?
              In  Christ  : a woman  can  remain  singal  and  celibate if  she  so  wishes.   If   she  is  unhappy
to   remain  celibate   there  is  no  obligation  to  marry  .If  celibacy  is  too  grate  a  burden,  there  is  no  prohibition on  marriage  .   If  a  woman sets out  to be   celibate  and  in  time  finds  the  need  to  marry ,  there  is  nothing  to   prevent  her  doing  so  .
             If  we  think  about  the  '  Family'   what   is  meant  ?,  It   means  a group  of  people  who  are  related  to  each  other  , especially   a  mother, a  father  and  their  children  .
           As  we   know  , the  DPP  presidential   candidate   Tsai Ing-wen   is   a   single  woman  ,so she  cannot  start  a  family  or  family   life  . By  the   way  , I  want  to  say  that , almost     all  of   females  political     leaders  have  marital   status    and   family  life.   Would  have   we   think   or  not   our  state   leader ?  How about  yours  . I  almost   cannot  see  her  holding  up  or  hug  a  boy  ,a girl  and  a  baby  in  her   arm  . We  have  a   maxim   that   you    should  know  about  someone   by  one's  conduct or  manner.    

Friday, 9 December 2011

Taiwan Strait Relation

                  Almost   all  the   presidents  of  the  Republic  of  China have  the  theories  of  The  Taiwan   Strait  Relation  as  the  following :
               1.  Lee Teng-hui  :  Special   state  to  state  theory.( The  KMT  party )
               2. Chen Shui-bien :One country  on  each   side  and  four  noes  ;  one without.( The  DPP  party)
               3.  Ma  ying-jeou:  1992  consensus ,and  three  noes ,no   unification,no   independence,and  no  use of  force.  (The  KMT  party) 
               4 .Tsai  Ing-wen  : The Taiwan Consensus  without  the   essence  which  can  be   found  .Why that  is  happening  !   I  think  ,Tsai   is   under  the  shadow   of  the presidents   Lee  Teng-hui  and  Chen Shui-bien. She   has  not  been  comming  out  yet. 
            According  to her  political  life   and as a  single woman ,  she  has  to  face  a big  struggle .  Tsai  was one   of  the chief  drafters  of  the  special 'State  to   State  '  relation  
doctrine  of  the   President   Lee Teng-hui  .After  Chen Shui-bien took  the  office  in 2000,  Tsai  was  invited  to   serve as  the  minister   of  the  Mainland  Affairs   Council  .
         She  became  a   DPP  member   in  2004. Too  eary ,she  was   appointed  Vice  Premier  under  Premier  Su  Tseng-chang  until  the  cabinet  resignation  in   2007.  
         She    made  a  controversal  statement  in  May  2010 that  the  ROC  was  a   'government-in-exile '  non-native  to  Taiwan .  Would   you  have  a  solution  to   vote   for  her  or  not  ?  It  is  not the  amswer  of   a   first   female president  of  the  ROC, 
it   is  an  election  of  the  president  of  the  ROC .  It  is  an election  for   the  highest  or the   most  important  person   of  a  State   under    rule  and  law  .

Monday, 5 December 2011

The DPP chairwoman , Tsai Ing-wen .

The Elements of Journalism

                 There are  ten  elements of  journalism in  order  for  journalists  to fulfill  their  duty  of  providing with  the  information ,they need  to  be  free and  self-governing . They  should  follow  these  guidelines :
               1.Journalism's  first  obligation is  for  the  truth .
               2. Its first  loyality is to the  citizens.
               3. Its essence  is discipline  of  verification.
               4. Its practitioners   must  maintain  an  independence  from  those they  cover.
               5.It  must serve as  an independent monitor of  power.
               6.It  must  provide a  forum  for  public  criticism  and compromise.
               7.It  must  strive  to  make the news  significant interesting  and  relevant.
               8. It  must keep the news  comprehensive and proportional.
               9. Its  practitioners must  be  allowed  to  exercise  their  personal  conscience.
            . 10.  The rights  and   responsibilities   of   citizens.


Thursday, 1 December 2011

Moral Evidence .

                   During  a  speech  at a  national celebration  of  the ROC centenial  ,  the  president  Ma Ying-jeou  has  sent   a  message   to  the  PRC  that "Face  the existence  of  the  ROC  head   on. " 
                The   DPP  presidential  candidate   Tsai  Ing-wen  proclaimed  that  , the  ROC   is  Taiwan  ,Taiwan  is  the  ROC  ,   It   is  an   attempt  to   use  the  ROC as  a  sticker  fastened  on   Taiwan like  a  comsummer  goods  for  sale  ,   to  win   the   votes  in  coming  election  .   Tsai,  the chair-woman of  the  pro-independence, DPP  party  should  not  use  the  ROC  as  a  title  of  Taiwan  .
             Her  "Taiwan  Consensus  "   is also  like   a  blank  check  for   the  people  of  Taiwan  .
              Have  a  question  that  , "What  does  she  mean  the   "TAIWAN  NEXT "  ? it  has  no   limitation of  time  and  nothing  of  the  present.  According   her speech  ,as  I  know  that  " Taiwan  Next"  is  for  the  next  generation  but  not  for the  present  generation  of  the  Taiwan  people . The slogan  ," Taiwan  Next"  is  cannot  be  translated .  It  is  not   a  common usage  in  English languge.When  someone  asks her  about  the  cross-strait  relation  ,  she has no  answer and  only  telling  a   story  about  which  either  you belive  or  not  .
             At  present  , the  issue  of  Persimmon  ,she  is  telling  a  story  again. How  do  you  think  it  ? -------------------!  .