Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Convert Taiwan from Savagery to Civilization .....................

DORTS offices raided in probe of '06 land deal

       When   a   Society   has   been   going  to  the   wrong   direction    and   decaying  ,   it   needs   to   recognize   the    wrong  ,  make   restitution   and   then   change   and   continue   the   path  . 
       IF   a   strong   majority   chose   to   live  in   a   civilized   way    they   can  make   Law-Enforcement  and   Edification  for   civilized   society  .
    "  Hello !   Taiwan ,  Are   you   ready   to   change   your   way   of   thinking   to   prevent   yourself   from   falling  into   the   Negative   Behaviors   or  Uncivilized   Behaviors  ?  "
     Civilized   people   are   peacefully  Law-abiding   in  their   community   with   Fair  and  Justic  ,  people-led  Laws  .
    Civilized    people  do  not   get   intoxicated  or   use   recreational    mind-altering  drugs  . 

According   to  President   Ma  Ying-jeou  said  :   This   is   the   way  that   Civil   Servants    should   go   about  fighting  corruption ,   is   by   exposing  these  
scandalous   affairs  that   the   Government   can   get   the   trust   of    the   people   . 
          God   bless  with   you   ! 



Sunday, 22 December 2013

High Prosecutors Office Chief sacked by Justice Minustry ..............

High Prosecutors Office chief sacked by Justice Ministry

         > Premier   Jiang  Yi-hua  approved  the   decision  to   discharge    Chen    Shou-huan   from  his   position  as  the   Head  Prosecutor  of   Taiwan  High  Prosecutors   Office  .
        >The   MOJ  decided  not   only  to   admonish   Chen   and   but   also   to   dismiss   him  from  his   current    position  .
        >  According   to   the   MOJ   ,   The   PEC    confirmed   the  fact  that  Chen   was   influenced   by   Wang   Jin-pyng   the   speaker   of  the   Legislative   Yuan  , in   a   case  involving  DPP   caucus  whip   Ker  Chien-ming  .
       > Chen  told  the  investigating   prosecutor    Lin  to   drop  ( give  up )   the   appeal  of   Ker's   case  after  the   First  Trial  which   found   Ker   inocent  ,   allegedly  at    Wang's   request.
      >The  PEC  ruled   that  Chen's   behavior  was  misconduct   and   violated   Judicial   Ethics  .
      All   above  the  facts  ,  which are   the  evidences  , sufficient    to  justify  submitting  a   party's  claim  or  affirmative  defence   to   a  jury  .  (  Prima   Facie  )
     In  the   Alleged    Influence   Peddling  Case   ,   the   defendants   shoud   be   Tseng ,  Chen ,  Wang   ,Ker   and   Lin  .  The   Plaintiff   should   be   the   Government   of   Taiwan  . 

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

NSA program likely unconstitutional , the challenge of Snowden .................

NSA program likely unconstitutional: US judge

The   Obama  administration    has  defended  the   program    as   a   crucial   tool   against  terrorism  .  Snowden   said  ,  "  I   acted   on   my   belief   that  the    NSA's  mass      surveillance   programs   would   not   withstand  a  constitutional   challenge  and   that   the   Americans   public  deserved   a   chance  to  see   these   issues   determined     by   the   open  courts   .  
Snowden's   Challenge  :

The problem has grown up to a point where Americans have “an executive, the Department of Justice, that’s unwilling to prosecute high officials who lied to Congress and the country on camera but they’ll stop at nothing to prosecute someone who told them the truth,” Snowden added.
Snowden has expressed his satisfaction that people around the globe are starting to understand mass surveillance doesn’t increase safety at all.
“People all over the world are realizing that these programs don’t make us more safe, they hurt our economy, they hurt our country they limit our ability to speak and think and live and be creative, to have relationships, to associate freely.”
There is a huge difference between surveillance programs aimed at increasing security and Big Brother mass surveillance, the NSA leaker added.
“There’s a far cry between legal programs, legitimate spying, legitimate law enforcement where it’s targeted, it’s based on reasonable suspicion, an individualized suspicion, and a warranted action – and a sort of dragnet mass surveillance that puts entire populations under a sort of eye that sees everything, even when it’s not needed.”
Although it is known that the ceremony took place in Moscow, the exact location remains a mystery for security reasons. In an exclusive interview with RT Julian Assange said Edward Snowden is safe in Russia, but the fates of journalists who helped him and published his leaks are now of more concern for WikiLeaks.
After a meeting with Snowden, the four whistleblowers – former NSA executive Thomas Andrews Drake, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, former FBI agent Coleen Rowley and Jesselyn Radack of the Government Accountability Project – all met in RT’s to share their thoughts on Snowden and tell their stories.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Suthep Thaugsuban , the power thirsty leader and the legal elected Thai Prime Minister , Yingluck. ...........,

Thai PM insists she will not resign before polls

Thai   Prime   Minister  Yingluck   Shinawatra   say  she   will   dissolve  parliament   and   call   an   election   .  The   announcement  came  as   Ms. Yingluck   addressed  the   nation   on   television.  The  Government  does  not   want   any  loss   of   life  ,  she  said  . 

    Anti-government  Protesters  ,   have   been  calling  for   her   Government  to   be  replaced   with  an   Unelected   ,  "  People 's   Council  "  
    Protesters   Leader  ,  Suthep   Thaugsuban  ,  a  senior  opposition  politician   said  , " The  movement  will   keep  on  fighting  ,  our  goal  is  to   Uproot   the   Tanksin  Region  .  

     According  to   the  above  the   scenario   ,  Suthep  Thauguban  has   been   playing   toward  like   some   Syrian  opposition   groups  leaders'    maner  or   conduct  in   the   Syria   Civil  War  . 
     Thailand   is   a  Buddhism  Country   !  Kamma  is  the  basic  value  for  Thai   People  .

Leaving   aside   all  its  technical  aspects   ,which  must  be  gone  into  more   thoroughly   when  one   is  sufficiently   intersted  in    the  subject  to   break  away  the  viel  of  Ignorance  ( Avijja )   that   enshrouds  the   minds  of  many  .  Kamma  may   be   described  as   the   result   of   Craving  in  its   diverse  forms .  This  craving  is   that   generates   the   driving   Force   of   Kamma .   Without   Ending  ,  Without   Solution  !  

Democratic   System  :

The Common Features of Democracy

Before we look at the differences it might be useful to recall the basic principles common to all forms of democracy, however.
  • Separation of Powers:
    • Legislative Power: parliament
      normally in two chambers
    • Executive Power: government and administration
    • Judicative Power: courts of justice
  • Constitution
  • Laws debated and passed by the parliament
  • Decrees by the government
    based on laws and regulating the details how to the laws shall be applied in practice
  • Elections
  • Political Parties
  • Referendums
    Though there are massive differences on how frequent referendums are and on which level they apply (constitution or single laws), the concept as such is known in any practical form of democracy.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Cairo Declaration ,1943 and Disputed Islands in East China Sea ...........

Biden warns China against escalating air zone tensions

        Cairo   Declaration  :
        A   statement    of  policy  on   1st,  December  1943   by   China, (  ROC ) the  UK  ,   and   the   USA  . 
        The   main   points   of   the   declaration   were  :  
         The  allies  resolved  to   bring   unrelenting  military   pressure   against  Japan   until  it    agrees   to   unconditional   surrender   .
        All   territories  Japan   has  conquered   from  China   including  Manchuria ,  Taiwan  and   Pescadores   ,   shall   be   restored   to   the   Republic  of   China  . 
        Korea   shall   become   free    and   independent  .

       At   the Cairo  Conference   ,  there  was   a   screen  behind   which  the   imperialist  circle   of   the   US   and   the   UK   would  conceal  their  plans  of   aggression  . 

      To day   ,  the   imperialism   as   a   secret  behind  the   USA   and   Japan  would   conceal   their  plans   of   aggression in   Asia-Pacific  Region  .The    Imperialists   will   use   FOUR   M   method    to   carry   out   their   plans   of   aggression  .
     The   4 M  are   Media ,   Mission   ,Mercantile   and   Military   or  Mercenary .  

     On   Friday  (  6.12.2013. )   the   US   vice   president   Joe  Biden  said  ,  "  Washington   does   not  recognize   the  air   zone  "
" I   was   absolutely  clear   on  behalf  of   my  President   :  We  do  not  recognize   the   zone   . It  will   have  no   American  Operation  ,   None  .  Zero  , "   he   said  .
Biden   did   not   go   to   Philliping   .  Why   ?   It    is   enough  .