Friday, 28 March 2014

A Declaration of War from the Students in the Taiwan Parliament .

Protesters to amass on Ketagalan Blvd.

          Tomorrow  will   be  the  30th of   April  (  Sunday )   which  will   be   a  challenge  of  some    opposition   groups   comming  out  .  
          According  to  the   voice   of   Sunflower    Group   : 
      "  There  will   be   no   time   limit   on   ending  this  . Even   though  we   will   be   returning  to  the   Legislature  Yuan  around   7pm  ,  on  Sunday  , the   fight   will   only  end   when   the  Ma  Administration   surrenders   ,"  said   Lin  .
         The  students    also  stated  frankly  that  they  had  not   applied  for   the  right   to   use  Ketagalan  Boulevard  as  a  demostration  site  ....... "We   will   win   this   War  
yet  " 
        The   voice   of   the   Sunflower   Group   is    too   harsh   to   talk  .
        We   should  pray   the   30th of  April   which   is   closed   to   the   Tome  Sweeping   day   which   will   be   a  peaceful  day  for   the  Souls   of  our  Ancestors  who   are   looking   forward   to   peace  of   freedom   from   war  and  disorder  .
       It  will   be   free   from   Suffering   !
       It  will   be   free   from  Angry   ! 
       It  will   be   free   from  Blind-fold  ! 
 God  bless   with   them  !  

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Students' Demand and the President Ma Ying-jeou response .....

Activists set conditions to Ma dialogue

         The  Conflect   between   Ma   and   the  Activists   in   the  Main  Chamber   of   the   Taiwan   Legislature  ,  as   the  following     :
        _  Find   a   way   to  restore   order   to   the  Legislature   .
        _ The  meeting  with   Ma   should   be   based  on   Supervisory   Law   which  should   be   passed  , before  the   Pact   should   be   reviewed  .
           It   is   the   responsibility    of   the   Legislature  but   not   from   the   the   President    office  .    What    are   the  Speaker  of   the   Legislature  Yuan   ,   Wang    Jin-ping   doing  ?  I  think   , Mr.  Wang   has   never   taken   the   responsibility   of   the   Taiwan  Parliament   and   the   people  of  Taiwan   issue  .  He is   always   running  away   from   his   duty   to   Lead   the   Taiwan  Parliament   for   the   Public    questions   .  How   do  you   think  !  Mr.  Wang  . 

       God   bless   with   you  ! 


Monday, 24 March 2014

The Conflict of power Politic Between the K.M.T. and the D.P.P. , or The Political Power Issue ,

Police evict activists from Executive Yuan

            Political   Power  ,  the   ability   of   a   person  or   group   to  Determine   the   policy  of   a  government  to   serve  their   individual   or  group   interest   . 
           Some   universities    students    ,  demostrators   who   had   stormed   into   the   Government   Headquarter  in   violent  scenes  that   dramatically   escalated   a   day   protest  against   a   trade   pact  with  China  .
           A   number  of  DPP   politicians  have   stayed   behind   the   scenes  and   encourage   the   students   to   stand  on  the   frontline  .  They   are   creating    some  scenarios   of   violence   which  has  threaten  the   Taiwan   Democrative  Structure  and   Rule   of   Law  .
           It   is   likely  toward  overthrowing   the   KMT   government  or   the   ROC    government  .   It   is  very   similar   the   Strikes   of  the   opposition   perty   in   Thailand .   They  commited   trespass  into   the   Taiwan   Parliament   for  five   days  .

            I    hope  ,  Taiwan  should  take   a   lesson   from   the   Ukraine    Crisis   ! 
           God   bless   with   Taiwan   !  


Monday, 17 March 2014

US targets Russian economy on Crimea ,U.s. does not recognize outcome of Crimea Referendum . Why ? , What ? .......

US targets Russian economy on Crimea
            The   Conflict  over  Referendum   in   Cremea  between   the   U.S.  and   Russia  is   not  the   Constitutional  or   International    Law  QUESTION   which  is   the   Issue   of   the   Crimea  and   Ukraine   . 
            I   want  to   ask   Uncal   Sam  would   not   try   to  form  a   Puppet  Government   in   Ukrain   with   the  members  of   Ukrain   Parliament  which   was   without   the   legal   elected   president  .   The   Ukrain   Parliament   has   lost  the   Democratic  Process   and  Agenda  of   a  state  . 
            Uncle  Sam  should  take   the   lesson   from   Iraq   and   Syria   Violence   .

            God   bless   with   Uncle   Sam  !  
 The  Referendum  .....
The power of referendum does not permit the people to invalidate a law that is already operative but suspends or annuls a law that has not yet gone into effect. In this sense, referendum is similar to a governor's Veto power. Also, by referendum the people may reinstate an act that the legislature has expressly repealed.
The referendum, along with the initiative, are the two forms of direct legislation adopted by many states during the direct democracy movement of the early twentieth century. Referendum allows the people to state their opinion on laws that have been enacted by the legislature, and the initiative allows the people to propose their own laws. Thus, in the states that have adopted the initiative and referendum, the people essentially form another branch of the legislature, having the ability both to enact laws and to overturn laws passed by the elected legislature but not yet in effect. An initiative or a referendum passed by the people has the same force and effect as any act of the legislature. A referendum may be challenged on constitutional grounds, on grounds that proper procedures were not followed in the referendum process and election, or on grounds that the referendum or initiative was outside the scope of authority granted by the state constitution. Also, in some states the governor may veto an initiative or referendum.
The general initiative and referendum were first adopted in the United States in South Dakota in 1898, and many states soon followed. The movement toward direct legislation did not grow from a desire of the people to exercise the legislative function directly. Rather, many people distrusted their legislative bodies, believing that large corporations and powerful groups of individuals were corrupting legislation. The power of referendum made most legislation subject to the will of the people.
The referendum power is derived solely from a state's constitution and applies to that state's laws; people do not have the right to challenge federal legislation by referendum. The right of referendum and the procedure to be followed in exercising the referendum right are set forth in the state's constitution and statutes. The referendum process is essentially the same in every state. First, there must be a petition for referendum that states, among other things, the title and nature of the legislative act the petition seeks to have submitted for referendum. The petition is then circulated for signatures. Generally, anyone eligible to vote may sign a petition for referendum, even if he or she is not registered to vote. When the required number of signatures is collected, the petition is filed. If the petition is certified as sufficient, the referendum measure is placed on the election ballot for approval or rejection by the people. If the required number of votes, usually a majority of the votes cast, are in favor of the referendum, it passes. Usually, the people vote on a referendum measure during the general election, but special referendum elections also may be held.In some states there is no limit on the referendum power, and any law may be challenged by referendum. In many states, however, the constitution creates exceptions to the referendum power for certain types of legislation. Commonly, constitutional provisions regarding referendums create an exception for laws necessary for the support of the state government and state or public institutions, because a referendum on any such measure might cause a branch of the government to cease to function. This exception applies mainly to tax and appropriation measures. Also, most states create an exception to the referendum power for laws necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, thereby allowing the legislature to exercise the Police Power unimpaired. Finally, measures declared by the legislature to be emergency measures are usually not subject to referendum.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

‘Obama must be impeached over Crimea’

‘Obama must be impeached over Crimea’

         Yanukovych   refranined   from  sigining    the  Association   Agreement  with   the   European   Union  in  favor  of  closer   ties   with  Russia  .  
        The  Ukraine's  ousted   president   and   the   the   Western-backed   opposion   group   signed   to   end   the   deadly   political   crisis   but   the  deal  was   broken   by  the   opposition  leaders  who   are   supported  by   the   U.S.   AND   the   European   Union  or  NATO  .

           It   was  illegal  according   to   the   international   Laws  .
It   is   not   the  issue  of   the   interest   of   the  U.S.  and   the  soverignty  problem  ,but   the   violation  of   the   agreement   between   the   legal   government   and   the  opposition or   protest   leders   .

           Who  are   the   trouble   makers  ? 

Ukraine's   opposion  leader   ,  as   the   acting  President   Oleksandr  Turchynov  said  :
Russia's leaders are refusing all negotiations with their Ukrainian counterparts, Ukraine's acting President Oleksandr Turchynov has said.
Mr Turchynov told the AFP agency that Ukraine would not intervene militarily in Crimea, even though a secession referendum there was a "sham".
Meanwhile interim Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk is travelling to the US to meet President Barack Obama.
On Thursday he is due to address the UN Security Council in New York.
'A provocation'
"We cannot launch a military operation in Crimea, as we would expose the eastern border [close to Russia] and Ukraine would not be protected," Mr Turchynov told AFP.

Rom   Paul   ,  former  U.S.  congressman  has   defended  Vlademin  Putin  , Why  ?  :

In an interview with Fox News, Paul said Washington and its Western allies participated in the overthrow of the government of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich. 
“This whole thing that Putin is the big cause of the trouble and yet there’s pretty good evidence that the Europeans as well as the American government had to contrive to have the overthrow of a government that most people say had been elected,” Paul said.
“And then for them to come along and say ‘Well, it’s an illegal government,’ and they want to have a referendum now, you know, in Crimea ‘Oh no that’s not permissible’,” he added.
“And they say everything Putin does is illegal. He’s no angel, but actually he has some law on his side. They have contracts and agreements and treaties for a naval base there and the permission to go by that area,” the former Texas Rep. explained.
Paul also noted that the Obama administration is hiding the truth about the crisis.
“It reminds me a little bit about what would happen if all of sudden they said that the Americans are occupying Guantanamo illegally and we’ve just invaded Guantanamo,” he said. “It’s such a façade and hiding the truth.”
“I think people have a right of self-determination. It’s written to the international law. It’s a moral principle and of course if you believe in limited government, everybody should have the right to minimize their government and there should be a right of secession.” 
Paul said he does not understand how the United States can argue against the results of the election.
“We loved secession when we seceded from Great Britain, and we loved secession when the Soviet Union broke up,” Paul said.

“I cannot understand how we could we argue against an election. You know that to me sounds like democratic.”
The US has threatened Russia with sanctions if a referendum in Crimea region results in Russian annexation.
"If we are not successful tomorrow in finding a way forward and the referendum - which we all anticipate is going to take place on Sunday - is done without some path forward, there are going to be serious repercussions," US Secretary of State John Kerry told the House Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has not been overthrown , but compelled to leave Bangkok ....

Thai protesters to scale back Bangkok gatherings

          The  political  Struggle   between   the   opposition   party   and   the   Thai   Government  should  be   ended  without  foreing-backed   coercing  .
          Gen. Prayuth  Chan-ocha   said  Friday  ( 28.2.2014 )  "  Everything  must  go   step  by   step  .......but  right   now  ,  we   are   playing  the  role  of  providing  security  and   protecting the   overall  stability   of  the  country .
       It  is  enough  is   enough  ,  to   execute   the  Democratic  Process   again  and  Rule  of   Law  .  The  Thai  Army  would  be   thanked   by   the  Thai   People  ! 
       God  bless  with  the  Military  Serve  For   the   people  in   every   country   !
The  U.S.  secretary   of   State   John  Kerry  in   a  statement  ,  calll   for  Thai   Authorities   , to  investigate   the   attacks   and  bring   to  Justic  .
        The  Ukraine  military  should  take   a  lesson  from   Thai   Army   which   is  following  a  political  strategy   stand   by   the  all   Thai   People  . 
        Yes  .  Ukraine  is  not   a  member  of  NATO  or  a   region  ally  of  the   U.S.   but   a   neighbouring  of  Russia  . Think   clearly  ,  do   clearly  ,   Ukraine   ! 

       Peaceful  mean   would  be  found  for  You   !