The issue between the U.S. and Russia Performent over the Ukraine is only the struggle of them . It was the consequence of the Ukraine Parliament Violation of legal responsibility of a group of Law Makers with the support of the U.S. and European Union .
The U.S. repeated his Worid Police Policy and Russia started again the Cold War Era policy to face each other in Ukraine which will be led to the real confrontation .
In Eastern Europe , the U.S. Air force made an appearance to confirm NATO's commitment in the European's Allies by increasing in Poland , Romania , Boltic Region and Black Sea .
But the international community would not agree with the two world powers to do like this Strategy which will be back fire to them .
God bless with them !
Former U.S. law maker say :
While most economists had previously predicted that China would become the leading global economic power by 2019, data compiled by the world’s leading statistical agencies have recently shown that China would overtake the United States as early as this year.
“News that China is soon to surpass the United States as the largest economy in the world is a stark reminder of how the American people are harmed by the welfare-warfare state, crony capitalism, and fiat currency,” Paul wrote.
Stressing that only “those who run or work for the military-industrial complex” benefit from America’s overblown military spending and bellicose foreign policy, Paul added, “The only way to avoid continuing collapse is to finally reject an interventionist foreign policy, stop bailing out and subsidizing politically powerful industries, and restore a free market in money.”
Paul’s remarks come as a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey showed that Americans are becoming tired of their government’s interventionist policies around the world.
The poll’s findings revealed that nearly half of Americans want Washington to “be less active in world affairs” while only 19 percent call for a more active role.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the findings are indicative of “an anti-interventionist current that sweeps across party lines” in the United States.
The U.S. should drop his World Police Policy from WORLD STAGE .
The U.S. repeated his Worid Police Policy and Russia started again the Cold War Era policy to face each other in Ukraine which will be led to the real confrontation .
In Eastern Europe , the U.S. Air force made an appearance to confirm NATO's commitment in the European's Allies by increasing in Poland , Romania , Boltic Region and Black Sea .
But the international community would not agree with the two world powers to do like this Strategy which will be back fire to them .
God bless with them !
Former U.S. law maker say :
Former US lawmaker Ron Paul says China will soon overtake the United States as the world’s largest economy as officials in Washington are squandering the taxpayer money on “a hyper-interventionist foreign policy.”
“One advantage China has over the US is that the Chinese government does not waste money on a hyper-interventionist foreign policy. The United States government spent approximately $752 billion on the military in fiscal year 2013. In contrast, China spent approximately $188 billion,” the former presidential candidate wrote in a piece published Sunday on the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.While most economists had previously predicted that China would become the leading global economic power by 2019, data compiled by the world’s leading statistical agencies have recently shown that China would overtake the United States as early as this year.
“News that China is soon to surpass the United States as the largest economy in the world is a stark reminder of how the American people are harmed by the welfare-warfare state, crony capitalism, and fiat currency,” Paul wrote.
Stressing that only “those who run or work for the military-industrial complex” benefit from America’s overblown military spending and bellicose foreign policy, Paul added, “The only way to avoid continuing collapse is to finally reject an interventionist foreign policy, stop bailing out and subsidizing politically powerful industries, and restore a free market in money.”
Paul’s remarks come as a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey showed that Americans are becoming tired of their government’s interventionist policies around the world.
The poll’s findings revealed that nearly half of Americans want Washington to “be less active in world affairs” while only 19 percent call for a more active role.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the findings are indicative of “an anti-interventionist current that sweeps across party lines” in the United States.
The U.S. should drop his World Police Policy from WORLD STAGE .
WSJ/NBC Poll: Americans Want Less Interventionist Foreign Policy
John Glaser, April 30, 2014
This morning’s Wall Street Journal has the following headline on the front page: “Americans Want to Pull Back From World Stage, Poll Finds.”
But she must have missed the YouGov poll conducted last month finding that only 14 percent of Americans said the U.S. has “any responsibility” to get involved in Ukraine, and only 18 percent think the U.S. “has any responsibility to protect Ukraine if Russia were to invade.”
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Americans in large numbers want the U.S. to reduce its role in world affairs even as a showdown with Russia over Ukraine preoccupies Washington, a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds.You can tell from the way the reporter frames the poll’s findings that she’s unhappy about what she calls “anti-interventionist” sentiment. She is shocked such sentiments can be so popular even as (in her words) Russia defies U.S.-EU sanctions and Ukraine continues to unravel.
In a marked change from past decades, nearly half of those surveyed want the U.S. to be less active on the global stage, with fewer than one-fifth calling for more active engagement—an anti-interventionist current that sweeps across party lines.
…The poll findings, combined with the results of prior Journal/NBC surveys this year, portray a public weary of foreign entanglements and disenchanted with a U.S. economic system that many believe is stacked against them. The 47% of respondents who called for a less-active role in world affairs marked a larger share than in similar polling in 2001, 1997 and 1995.
But she must have missed the YouGov poll conducted last month finding that only 14 percent of Americans said the U.S. has “any responsibility” to get involved in Ukraine, and only 18 percent think the U.S. “has any responsibility to protect Ukraine if Russia were to invade.”
April 30, 2014 12:31 AM
WASHINGTON — Turmoil in eastern Ukraine continued Tuesday, a day after the United States and Europe announced new sanctions against Russia for failing to take steps to de-escalate the crisis in its neighbor to the west. Pro-Russian demonstrators in the Ukrainian city of Luhansk seized government buildings and the local television center, after similar actions in Donetsk and Slovyansk. NATO is boosting defense in member nations bordering Russia to allay their growing concerns about Moscow's territorial ambitions.
Several thousand protesters stormed the regional administration building in Luhansk Tuesday after a group of youths broke windows with metal bars and let the crowd in. The rebels replaced the Ukrainian flag with a Russian one, while riot police stood by.
In the capital, Kyiv, acting president Oleksander Turchynov lashed out at the country's law enforcement for failing to act.
"The overwhelming majority of law enforcement bodies in the east are incapable of fulfilling their duties to defend our citizens. New heads of the Security Service of Ukraine have already been appointed in Donetsk and Luhansk [eastern Ukraine]. The leadership of the special forces "Alpha" has been totally replaced," said Turchynov.
Ukraine and its allies have accused Russia of fueling the crisis in eastern Ukraine to clear the way for another incursion into the region after annexing the Crimean peninsula. NATO member nations bordering Russia have asked the alliance for additional protection.
Deputy Supreme Allied Commander in Europe Adrian Bradshaw visited Latvia Tuesday to discuss measures to strengthen NATO's presence in the Baltic region.
"Our judgment is that the actions that we've taken at the moment are proportional and appropriate to the changed security dynamic that we face. It gives a very clear indication on NATO commitment to the region, but the things we are doing could not be considered threatening to anybody outside the region," said Bradshaw.
NATO already has increased its air policing and naval presence in the Baltics. Last week, 450 U.S. paratroopers were deployed in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, and another 150 in Poland. NATO military exercises are taking place across the region.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Tuesday said NATO is sending a clear message to Moscow that its territory is inviolable. He also called on NATO members to meet their financial obligations.
“We cannot continue to allow allied defense budgets to shrink. Clearly, not all allies are going to meet the NATO benchmark of 2 percent of GDP overnight, or even next year. But it’s time for allies who are below that benchmark to make credible commitments to increase their spending on defense over the next five years, and if we’re going to move the trend line in a positive direction, this has to be an alliance-wide effort,” said Kerry.
Russia has accused the West of stirring unrest in the region, but some eastern Europeans who still recall Russian invasions say they feel safer with an increased NATO presence. Lithuanian student Ernestas Tuzinas said he wants even more.
"These are only the first steps. NATO should set up a permanent military base in Lithuania," said Tuzinas.
The Baltic states spent five decades under Soviet occupation until 1991 and joined NATO in 2004. Poland joined in 1999 and was among the first eastern European NATO members.
Several thousand protesters stormed the regional administration building in Luhansk Tuesday after a group of youths broke windows with metal bars and let the crowd in. The rebels replaced the Ukrainian flag with a Russian one, while riot police stood by.
In the capital, Kyiv, acting president Oleksander Turchynov lashed out at the country's law enforcement for failing to act.
"The overwhelming majority of law enforcement bodies in the east are incapable of fulfilling their duties to defend our citizens. New heads of the Security Service of Ukraine have already been appointed in Donetsk and Luhansk [eastern Ukraine]. The leadership of the special forces "Alpha" has been totally replaced," said Turchynov.
Ukraine and its allies have accused Russia of fueling the crisis in eastern Ukraine to clear the way for another incursion into the region after annexing the Crimean peninsula. NATO member nations bordering Russia have asked the alliance for additional protection.
Deputy Supreme Allied Commander in Europe Adrian Bradshaw visited Latvia Tuesday to discuss measures to strengthen NATO's presence in the Baltic region.
"Our judgment is that the actions that we've taken at the moment are proportional and appropriate to the changed security dynamic that we face. It gives a very clear indication on NATO commitment to the region, but the things we are doing could not be considered threatening to anybody outside the region," said Bradshaw.
NATO already has increased its air policing and naval presence in the Baltics. Last week, 450 U.S. paratroopers were deployed in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, and another 150 in Poland. NATO military exercises are taking place across the region.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Tuesday said NATO is sending a clear message to Moscow that its territory is inviolable. He also called on NATO members to meet their financial obligations.
“We cannot continue to allow allied defense budgets to shrink. Clearly, not all allies are going to meet the NATO benchmark of 2 percent of GDP overnight, or even next year. But it’s time for allies who are below that benchmark to make credible commitments to increase their spending on defense over the next five years, and if we’re going to move the trend line in a positive direction, this has to be an alliance-wide effort,” said Kerry.
Russia has accused the West of stirring unrest in the region, but some eastern Europeans who still recall Russian invasions say they feel safer with an increased NATO presence. Lithuanian student Ernestas Tuzinas said he wants even more.
"These are only the first steps. NATO should set up a permanent military base in Lithuania," said Tuzinas.
The Baltic states spent five decades under Soviet occupation until 1991 and joined NATO in 2004. Poland joined in 1999 and was among the first eastern European NATO members.