Monday, 15 October 2012

Turkey bans all Syrian Flights over its territory .

                   According  to  the   conduct  of   two  countries  ,   Syria   and   Turkey  may  remind  themselves  to  resolve  their  conflict   by peaceful-mean .   Would   you   think   like  me?  Who   is  the  trouble  maker  ?  God   bless   with  you !
Either  Whenever  or  Everywhere  is   you  ! 
Syrian planes have been banned from Turkish air space, the Turkish foreign ministry has announced.
The ban follows similar restrictions imposed by Syria, after a Syrian plane alleged to be carrying Russian munitions was intercepted by Turkey.
Turkey's ban came in on Saturday night and was communicated to Syria, but was only made public on Sunday.
It applies to civilian aircraft, as military aircraft were already de facto banned, a ministry official said.
The Syrian move followed Turkey's interception on Wednesday of a Syrian jet, which Turkish warplanes forced to land in Ankara.
Turkish officials confiscated what they described as munitions bound for Syria's defence ministry - an allegation disputed by Damascus.
At the time, Turkey warned its own civilian airlines to avoid Syrian air space as a precaution.
Until last year, Turkey and Syria were close allies, says the BBC's James Reynolds, near the Turkey-Syria border.
Now the only things that they still share are a border of 500 miles and an increasing sense of mistrust, our correspondent says.
In June Syria shot down a Turkish warplane, it said by accident, after the jet crossed into Syrian airspace.
Now those same skies will be watched even more closely, our correspondent adds.


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