Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Snowden has been trapped in Russuia , unknowen Limitation .

Snowden submits request for asylum in Russia
           The   Temporary   Asylum would  allow   Snowden  to  Free  travel  and  work  in   Russia   Kucherena  , a   lawyer  said  .  He   chose  to  apply  for  tempory  asylum  and   not  political  asylum  because  the  latter  takes  longer  to  consider  .
         Snowden  said  he   had  no  immediate   plan  to   leave   Russia ...  Temporary  asylum  is   provided  for  a  period  of    one   year  and   could   be  extened  each  year  . 
       Mr.  Snowden  ,  take  care   yourself  ,  your  health  and   your  life  before  and   after  Putin  and  Obama  are   to   meet  in   Moscow  and   at   the   G20  Summit  in   St. 
Petersburg  .                                                                
       You   have   been  trapped   in   Russia  ,  unknown limitation ,
which   will   be   according  to   the   Partnership   Relation  between  Russia    and   the   U.S.   government  .  Your   fate  will   be  look   upon  the  two   Presidents  '   Meeting  Result  which   cannot   be  resolved  by   the  Secretary  of   the  U.S.  government   and   the  foreign   mintster  of  Russia  level  .
      God   bless  with   you  !  The   international   Justic  will   not   foget   you   ,as   I  do   my   hope  !   ......
Update   from  China  Post  :
Unwelcome Guest A Russian lawyer helping Snowden with his request for temporary asylum said on Wednesday he expects Snowden will soon be able to leave Sheremetyevo airport, where he has remained in the transit zone since his arrival from Hong Kong on June 23. Anatoly Kucherena told Reuters he believed the American would be able to leave the transit zone, which Moscow considers neutral territory, within a week, and indicated he expected him to stay in Russia for the time being. Kucherena said on Tuesday that Snowden had given him a verbal promise that he would stop anti-U.S. activities.But a human rights activist who attended a meeting with Snowden on Friday said the American did not regard his leaks as harmful to his home country. Snowden has said that he was acting in U.S. interests, not against them. Snowden, 30, says the United States has prevented him from flying to Latin America - where Nicaragua, Bolivia and Venezuela have offered him refuge -- by putting pressure on other countries not to help him escape U.S. justice. Putin has also accused the United States of trapping Snowden, but Russia has kept the former contractor at arm's length by saying it regards the transit area between the runway and passport control as neutral territory. “Mr Snowden, as I understand it, never intended to stay here, in Russia, forever. He has even said so himself,” Putin said. He added that he did not know what Snowden's long-term plans were and said: “It is his fate and his choice.”


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