Sunday, 20 October 2013

Majority Party Government and Minority Legislators Party , D.P.P. .

Premier gives policy report on seventh attempt

        After  DPP's  No-confidence  Motion  has   been   failed  the   DPP  caucus   is   looking  like  a  group  of  children  who   lost  their  Mother  in   a   dreamming   walking   on   the  road  without  direction .
      Ker  Chien-ming  held   a   press   conference  outside   the   Assembly  Hall  of   Taiwan  Parliament   where  will   be  taken  the  last  photo  for  him  with  other  DPP   Legislators  .
      Ker   did  not   know  or   understand   about   Chack   and  Balance  System  in  Democratic  countries   and   forgot  the    DPP's   minority   status  in  the   Taiwan   Legislature   Yuan  .
     The   system  of  Check   and   Balances  has   two   components  ,  the   right  to  check  and  the  means  to  actively  Balance  out   imbalances  .Checking  requires  access  
to  information   and  the   right  to   question .   Balancing  reqires   a  mechanism  to   control  to   prevent    the   branches   from  over  stepping  their   constitutional  limits of  power  .    God   bless   with   you,  Ker  !


Prosecutors  to   launch  petition  against   Lawmakers'   Pressure   .
( 21.10.2013.)  From  China  Post  :

The Prosecutors Association, Republic of China (Taiwan) said in a statement that it opposed lawmakers' calls for prosecutors to answer questions at the Legislature, criticizing such requests as unconstitutional.  Citing three constitution interpretations by the Constitutional Court, the association of active and retired prosecutors said lawmakers' powers to investigate and question officials do not give them the right to interfere in ongoing individual cases. Under the Constitution, prosecutors are protected from outside interference when exercising their duties, it said. The statement came after Justice Minister Luo Ying-shay was criticized by lawmakers for defending two prosecutors who did not appear before the Legislature's Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee on Oct. 17. The committee meeting was held to hear a report on an investigation into the wiretapping of one of the legislature's main telephone lines. In addition to calling the lawmakers' demand for prosecutors to attend legislative hearings unconstitutional, the prosecutors association said it opposes any attempt by lawmakers to manipulate and hijack prosecutorial agencies and compromise the independence and impartiality of prosecutors.

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