US, Japan slam China's new air defence zone
----------------------------------------------------- The following Countries have declared the Air Defense Identification Zone ( ADIZ )
However, the U.S. Navy's Commander's Handbook on the Law of Naval Operations states the ADIZ applies only to commercial aircraft intending to enter U.S. sovereign airspace, with a basis in international law of "the right of a nation to establish reasonable conditions of entry into its territory".[5] The manual specifically instructs U.S. military aircraft to ignore the ADIZ of other states when operating in coastal areas:
S. Korea Expands its Air Defense Zoone Southward .
China Air Defense Identification Zone in East China Sea .
----------------------------------------------------- The following Countries have declared the Air Defense Identification Zone ( ADIZ )
United States[edit]
The United States formally defines an ADIZ in the Code of Federal Regulations: 14 CFR Part 99.[1] It extends approximately 20 miles off the national coastlines and 10 miles over land.[4] Furthermore 14 CFR Part 99.49 states "All airspace of the United States is designated as Defense Area", in which by definition the control of aircraft is required for reasons of national security. Therefore the ADIZ forms a transition zone in which aircraft come under positive identification and control by air traffic and defense authorities. 14 C.F.R. 99.11a states "No person may operate an aircraft into, within, or from a departure point within an ADIZ, unless the person files, activates, and closes a flight plan with the appropriate aeronautical facility, or is otherwise authorized by air traffic control", which appears to claim authority over all aircraft in the external U.S. ADIZ regardless of destination.However, the U.S. Navy's Commander's Handbook on the Law of Naval Operations states the ADIZ applies only to commercial aircraft intending to enter U.S. sovereign airspace, with a basis in international law of "the right of a nation to establish reasonable conditions of entry into its territory".[5] The manual specifically instructs U.S. military aircraft to ignore the ADIZ of other states when operating in coastal areas:
The United States does not recognize the right of a coastal nation to apply its ADIZ procedures to foreign aircraft not intending to enter national airspace nor does the United States apply its ADIZ procedures to foreign aircraft not intending to enter U.S. airspace. Accordingly, U.S. military aircraft not intending to enter national airspace should not identify themselves or otherwise comply with ADIZ procedures established by other nations, unless the United States has specifically agreed to do so.Meanwhile in actual practice the U.S. does attempt to apply its external ADIZ to military aircraft which pass through its extended ADIZ without intending to enter U.S. sovereign territory [1][dead link]. A U.S. Air Force university dissertation states:
These regulations do not pertain to military aircraft, but to enter US airspace, without inducing the scrambling of fighter interceptors, these rules must be complied with and followed. The US does not claim sovereignty over these zones per se, but does closely monitor and request information of all objects entering the zone.[6]
The joint US/Canadian ADIZ, which is almost exclusively over water,[7] serves as a national defense boundary for aerial incursions. Any aircraft that wishes to fly in or through the boundary must file either a Defense Visual Flight Rules (DVFR) flight plan or an Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight plan before crossing the ADIZ.[8] The aircraft must have an operational radar transponder and maintain two-way radio contact while approaching and crossing the North American ADIZ.Guam[edit]
The Federal regulation governing ADIZ areas also provides for an ADIZ around Guam. Though like Puerto Rico it is an unincorporated United States territory, the island is home to Andersen Air Force Base, which is one of two major U.S. Air Force strategic bomber bases in the Asia Pacific region, the other being Diego Garcia which is actually on British territory.Washington D.C.[edit]
The Washington Air Defense Identification Zone was created after the September 11 attacks. This ADIZ, however, shared none of the regulatory similarity with the border area ADIZes. This airspace was subsequently renamed the DC Special Flight Rules Area to avoid confusion.Japan[edit]
Japan has an ADIZ that overlaps most of its Exclusive Economic Zone. In June 2010, Japan extended its ADIZ westward, causing controversy with its neighbours. The new Japnese ADIZ was extended 22km west of the original half way line (123 Degree East) between Taiwan and Japan. [9] Also, the extended Japanese ADIZ is only 130km from the coast of mainland China at its closest point. [10]China[edit]
China has established their own version of an ADIZ in 23rd, November 2013[11][12] [13] The Chinese ADIZ covers the disputed Diaoyou/Senkaku Island and is 130km from Japanese territory at its closest point.[14] American defense secretary Chuck Hagel called the Chinese move "a destabilizing attempt to alter the status quo in the region".[15]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
S. Korea Expands its Air Defense Zoone Southward .
S Korea expands its air defense zone southward
A Chinese-language map showing the Korean air defense identification zone marked in green, which is said to be expanded southward. (Photo/CFP)
China Air Defense Identification Zone in East China Sea .
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