Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Convert Taiwan from Savagery to Civilization .....................

DORTS offices raided in probe of '06 land deal

       When   a   Society   has   been   going  to  the   wrong   direction    and   decaying  ,   it   needs   to   recognize   the    wrong  ,  make   restitution   and   then   change   and   continue   the   path  . 
       IF   a   strong   majority   chose   to   live  in   a   civilized   way    they   can  make   Law-Enforcement  and   Edification  for   civilized   society  .
    "  Hello !   Taiwan ,  Are   you   ready   to   change   your   way   of   thinking   to   prevent   yourself   from   falling  into   the   Negative   Behaviors   or  Uncivilized   Behaviors  ?  "
     Civilized   people   are   peacefully  Law-abiding   in  their   community   with   Fair  and  Justic  ,  people-led  Laws  .
    Civilized    people  do  not   get   intoxicated  or   use   recreational    mind-altering  drugs  . 

According   to  President   Ma  Ying-jeou  said  :   This   is   the   way  that   Civil   Servants    should   go   about  fighting  corruption ,   is   by   exposing  these  
scandalous   affairs  that   the   Government   can   get   the   trust   of    the   people   . 
          God   bless  with   you   ! 



Sunday, 22 December 2013

High Prosecutors Office Chief sacked by Justice Minustry ..............

High Prosecutors Office chief sacked by Justice Ministry

         > Premier   Jiang  Yi-hua  approved  the   decision  to   discharge    Chen    Shou-huan   from  his   position  as  the   Head  Prosecutor  of   Taiwan  High  Prosecutors   Office  .
        >The   MOJ  decided  not   only  to   admonish   Chen   and   but   also   to   dismiss   him  from  his   current    position  .
        >  According   to   the   MOJ   ,   The   PEC    confirmed   the  fact  that  Chen   was   influenced   by   Wang   Jin-pyng   the   speaker   of  the   Legislative   Yuan  , in   a   case  involving  DPP   caucus  whip   Ker  Chien-ming  .
       > Chen  told  the  investigating   prosecutor    Lin  to   drop  ( give  up )   the   appeal  of   Ker's   case  after  the   First  Trial  which   found   Ker   inocent  ,   allegedly  at    Wang's   request.
      >The  PEC  ruled   that  Chen's   behavior  was  misconduct   and   violated   Judicial   Ethics  .
      All   above  the  facts  ,  which are   the  evidences  , sufficient    to  justify  submitting  a   party's  claim  or  affirmative  defence   to   a  jury  .  (  Prima   Facie  )
     In  the   Alleged    Influence   Peddling  Case   ,   the   defendants   shoud   be   Tseng ,  Chen ,  Wang   ,Ker   and   Lin  .  The   Plaintiff   should   be   the   Government   of   Taiwan  . 

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

NSA program likely unconstitutional , the challenge of Snowden .................

NSA program likely unconstitutional: US judge

The   Obama  administration    has  defended  the   program    as   a   crucial   tool   against  terrorism  .  Snowden   said  ,  "  I   acted   on   my   belief   that  the    NSA's  mass      surveillance   programs   would   not   withstand  a  constitutional   challenge  and   that   the   Americans   public  deserved   a   chance  to  see   these   issues   determined     by   the   open  courts   .  
Snowden's   Challenge  :

The problem has grown up to a point where Americans have “an executive, the Department of Justice, that’s unwilling to prosecute high officials who lied to Congress and the country on camera but they’ll stop at nothing to prosecute someone who told them the truth,” Snowden added.
Snowden has expressed his satisfaction that people around the globe are starting to understand mass surveillance doesn’t increase safety at all.
“People all over the world are realizing that these programs don’t make us more safe, they hurt our economy, they hurt our country they limit our ability to speak and think and live and be creative, to have relationships, to associate freely.”
There is a huge difference between surveillance programs aimed at increasing security and Big Brother mass surveillance, the NSA leaker added.
“There’s a far cry between legal programs, legitimate spying, legitimate law enforcement where it’s targeted, it’s based on reasonable suspicion, an individualized suspicion, and a warranted action – and a sort of dragnet mass surveillance that puts entire populations under a sort of eye that sees everything, even when it’s not needed.”
Although it is known that the ceremony took place in Moscow, the exact location remains a mystery for security reasons. In an exclusive interview with RT Julian Assange said Edward Snowden is safe in Russia, but the fates of journalists who helped him and published his leaks are now of more concern for WikiLeaks.
After a meeting with Snowden, the four whistleblowers – former NSA executive Thomas Andrews Drake, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, former FBI agent Coleen Rowley and Jesselyn Radack of the Government Accountability Project – all met in RT’s to share their thoughts on Snowden and tell their stories.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Suthep Thaugsuban , the power thirsty leader and the legal elected Thai Prime Minister , Yingluck. ...........,

Thai PM insists she will not resign before polls

Thai   Prime   Minister  Yingluck   Shinawatra   say  she   will   dissolve  parliament   and   call   an   election   .  The   announcement  came  as   Ms. Yingluck   addressed  the   nation   on   television.  The  Government  does  not   want   any  loss   of   life  ,  she  said  . 

    Anti-government  Protesters  ,   have   been  calling  for   her   Government  to   be  replaced   with  an   Unelected   ,  "  People 's   Council  "  
    Protesters   Leader  ,  Suthep   Thaugsuban  ,  a  senior  opposition  politician   said  , " The  movement  will   keep  on  fighting  ,  our  goal  is  to   Uproot   the   Tanksin  Region  .  

     According  to   the  above  the   scenario   ,  Suthep  Thauguban  has   been   playing   toward  like   some   Syrian  opposition   groups  leaders'    maner  or   conduct  in   the   Syria   Civil  War  . 
     Thailand   is   a  Buddhism  Country   !  Kamma  is  the  basic  value  for  Thai   People  .

Leaving   aside   all  its  technical  aspects   ,which  must  be  gone  into  more   thoroughly   when  one   is  sufficiently   intersted  in    the  subject  to   break  away  the  viel  of  Ignorance  ( Avijja )   that   enshrouds  the   minds  of  many  .  Kamma  may   be   described  as   the   result   of   Craving  in  its   diverse  forms .  This  craving  is   that   generates   the   driving   Force   of   Kamma .   Without   Ending  ,  Without   Solution  !  

Democratic   System  :

The Common Features of Democracy

Before we look at the differences it might be useful to recall the basic principles common to all forms of democracy, however.
  • Separation of Powers:
    • Legislative Power: parliament
      normally in two chambers
    • Executive Power: government and administration
    • Judicative Power: courts of justice
  • Constitution
  • Laws debated and passed by the parliament
  • Decrees by the government
    based on laws and regulating the details how to the laws shall be applied in practice
  • Elections
  • Political Parties
  • Referendums
    Though there are massive differences on how frequent referendums are and on which level they apply (constitution or single laws), the concept as such is known in any practical form of democracy.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Cairo Declaration ,1943 and Disputed Islands in East China Sea ...........

Biden warns China against escalating air zone tensions

        Cairo   Declaration  :
        A   statement    of  policy  on   1st,  December  1943   by   China, (  ROC ) the  UK  ,   and   the   USA  . 
        The   main   points   of   the   declaration   were  :  
         The  allies  resolved  to   bring   unrelenting  military   pressure   against  Japan   until  it    agrees   to   unconditional   surrender   .
        All   territories  Japan   has  conquered   from  China   including  Manchuria ,  Taiwan  and   Pescadores   ,   shall   be   restored   to   the   Republic  of   China  . 
        Korea   shall   become   free    and   independent  .

       At   the Cairo  Conference   ,  there  was   a   screen  behind   which  the   imperialist  circle   of   the   US   and   the   UK   would  conceal  their  plans  of   aggression  . 

      To day   ,  the   imperialism   as   a   secret  behind  the   USA   and   Japan  would   conceal   their  plans   of   aggression in   Asia-Pacific  Region  .The    Imperialists   will   use   FOUR   M   method    to   carry   out   their   plans   of   aggression  .
     The   4 M  are   Media ,   Mission   ,Mercantile   and   Military   or  Mercenary .  

     On   Friday  (  6.12.2013. )   the   US   vice   president   Joe  Biden  said  ,  "  Washington   does   not  recognize   the  air   zone  "
" I   was   absolutely  clear   on  behalf  of   my  President   :  We  do  not  recognize   the   zone   . It  will   have  no   American  Operation  ,   None  .  Zero  , "   he   said  .
Biden   did   not   go   to   Philliping   .  Why   ?   It    is   enough  . 

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

United Daily News: U.S. should come clean on Diaoyutais | Editorial Abstracts | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS

United Daily News: U.S. should come clean on Diaoyutais | Editorial Abstracts | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS

        The   longstanding   China-Japan   dispute   over   the   Diaoyutai   came   to  a  head   last  autumn  after   Japan  Nationalized   three  of  the  Diaoyutai   islets  to   solidify  its   claim  over   the  small  island   chain  .  
       It   is   Japan's   move   appeared    to   be   an   attempt  to   change   the   status  quo   in  the   East  China  Sea  .   The   US  should  not   give   a  signal  of   misunderstanding  and   miscalculation  to   Japan .  It  may  be   a   real      Historic  Mistake    that   will  make   the  Asia-Pacific  Region   more   dangerous   place  .  The   US    should  take    a  lesson   from  Syria's   War .   Uncle   Sam  !    Would   you   want   to   be   a   Historic   Defendant    ?     According   to    former   Israeli   President   Shimon   Peres  words ,  "  I    would   like  to   say  to   the   Iranian   People  :   You   are   not  our   Enemies  and   we   are   not   Yours  "  Uncle  Sam  ,  you   are   the   leader   of   the   world   power  , " Can  you   say   like  this   ,  China   is  not   the  Japan's   enemy   and   the  Japan  is   not   the   China's  ." 
         God   bless   with   you   ! 


China's behaviour has been unsettling to neighbours - U.S. officials

Why   the  US 's   behaviouur  has   been   unsettling   over   the    Dsputed  Island      between   China   and   Japan  ? 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Recent actions by China concerning air space over the East China Sea have worried its neighbours and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden will raise this issue during a visit to Beijing next week, senior officials of the U.S. administration said on Wednesday.
Biden is due to visit China, Japan and South Korea during a week-long trip. He will seek to de-escalate tensions heightened after China demanded that airplanes flying near contested islands identify themselves to Chinese authorities.
Biden will tell Chinese policy makers that "there's an emerging pattern of behaviour that is unsettling to China's own neighbours, and raising questions about how China operates in international space and how China deals with areas of disagreement with its neighbours," an official told reporters on a conference call.
(Reporting By Mark Felsenthal; Editing by David Brunnstrom)

Monday, 25 November 2013

Which countries have declared the Air Defense Identification Zone ( ADIZ ).............

US, Japan slam China's new air defence zone
-----------------------------------------------------                                                                                                   The   following   Countries   have    declared   the   Air   Defense   Identification   Zone   (   ADIZ   )

United States[edit]

The United States formally defines an ADIZ in the Code of Federal Regulations: 14 CFR Part 99.[1] It extends approximately 20 miles off the national coastlines and 10 miles over land.[4] Furthermore 14 CFR Part 99.49 states "All airspace of the United States is designated as Defense Area", in which by definition the control of aircraft is required for reasons of national security. Therefore the ADIZ forms a transition zone in which aircraft come under positive identification and control by air traffic and defense authorities. 14 C.F.R. 99.11a states "No person may operate an aircraft into, within, or from a departure point within an ADIZ, unless the person files, activates, and closes a flight plan with the appropriate aeronautical facility, or is otherwise authorized by air traffic control", which appears to claim authority over all aircraft in the external U.S. ADIZ regardless of destination.
However, the U.S. Navy's Commander's Handbook on the Law of Naval Operations states the ADIZ applies only to commercial aircraft intending to enter U.S. sovereign airspace, with a basis in international law of "the right of a nation to establish reasonable conditions of entry into its territory".[5] The manual specifically instructs U.S. military aircraft to ignore the ADIZ of other states when operating in coastal areas:
The United States does not recognize the right of a coastal nation to apply its ADIZ procedures to foreign aircraft not intending to enter national airspace nor does the United States apply its ADIZ procedures to foreign aircraft not intending to enter U.S. airspace. Accordingly, U.S. military aircraft not intending to enter national airspace should not identify themselves or otherwise comply with ADIZ procedures established by other nations, unless the United States has specifically agreed to do so.
Meanwhile in actual practice the U.S. does attempt to apply its external ADIZ to military aircraft which pass through its extended ADIZ without intending to enter U.S. sovereign territory [1][dead link]. A U.S. Air Force university dissertation states:
These regulations do not pertain to military aircraft, but to enter US airspace, without inducing the scrambling of fighter interceptors, these rules must be complied with and followed. The US does not claim sovereignty over these zones per se, but does closely monitor and request information of all objects entering the zone.[6]


The joint US/Canadian ADIZ, which is almost exclusively over water,[7] serves as a national defense boundary for aerial incursions. Any aircraft that wishes to fly in or through the boundary must file either a Defense Visual Flight Rules (DVFR) flight plan or an Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight plan before crossing the ADIZ.[8] The aircraft must have an operational radar transponder and maintain two-way radio contact while approaching and crossing the North American ADIZ.


The Federal regulation governing ADIZ areas also provides for an ADIZ around Guam. Though like Puerto Rico it is an unincorporated United States territory, the island is home to Andersen Air Force Base, which is one of two major U.S. Air Force strategic bomber bases in the Asia Pacific region, the other being Diego Garcia which is actually on British territory.

Washington D.C.[edit]

The Washington Air Defense Identification Zone was created after the September 11 attacks. This ADIZ, however, shared none of the regulatory similarity with the border area ADIZes. This airspace was subsequently renamed the DC Special Flight Rules Area to avoid confusion.


Japan has an ADIZ that overlaps most of its Exclusive Economic Zone. In June 2010, Japan extended its ADIZ westward, causing controversy with its neighbours. The new Japnese ADIZ was extended 22km west of the original half way line (123 Degree East) between Taiwan and Japan. [9] Also, the extended Japanese ADIZ is only 130km from the coast of mainland China at its closest point. [10]


China has established their own version of an ADIZ in 23rd, November 2013[11][12] [13] The Chinese ADIZ covers the disputed Diaoyou/Senkaku Island and is 130km from Japanese territory at its closest point.[14] American defense secretary Chuck Hagel called the Chinese move "a destabilizing attempt to alter the status quo in the region".[15]
   S. Korea  Expands  its    Air   Defense   Zoone  Southward  .

S Korea expands its air defense zone southward

  • Xinhua
  • 2013-12-08
  • 16:30 (GMT+8)
A Chinese-language map showing the Korean air defense identification zone marked in green, which is said to be expanded southward. (Photo/CFP)
A Chinese-language map showing the Korean air defense identification zone marked in green, which is said to be expanded southward. (Photo/CFP)

 China   Air   Defense   Identification  Zone  in   East   China   Sea  .

Friday, 22 November 2013

An Extradition hearing for Zain Dean ,or Taiwan Sovereignty Issue .............,

Extradition hearing for Dean set for Jan. 8

        Although   Taiwan   Government    has     control   over   its  internal    affairs    (Domestic   Sovereignty  )  ,   it   does   not  have   International   Legal   Sovereignty  ,which   would   confirm   its   status  as  independent   country  .
     From   1949  to   1971   ,  the   ROC   held  the   PRC  seat   in   the   United   Nations  and   participated    fully  in   International   Organizations   .
     But   the   question  of   who  (  the   ROC  or   the  PRC  )    exercises   international   legal   sovereignty  over   the   Island   of   Taiwan  remain. 
     The  severance   of   ties   between  the  ROC  and   the   Gambia  ,  and   the   abduction   of   a   Taiwanese  Woman   in   Malaysia   are   concerned  with   Taiwan   Sovereigty   Issue.    Under   the   internatioal  Laws   ,  Taiwan  is   not   in   itself   a   State  .  It   certainly   does   not   meet   the   criterion   of   sovereignty   or   independence  ,  the  right   to   unilaterally   secede   from   China   without   a   constitutional   structure  .  
    Can   Taiwan   exist   successfully    without   formal  international   recognition  ? 


Saturday, 16 November 2013

The Main Barrier of DPP to make clear policy for Taiwan People ........

Former DPP legislator questions party's stance on cross-strait trade pact

        The   service  trade   agreement  that   Taiwan   signed   with  China   has   received  the   Negative   Reviews   by  the   DPP  which  has  argued   that  the  pact  is   Incomplete     and     Unreasonable   and    is  not  Worth  .  Why  ?  ,  What  ?   .
      The   DPP  had  previously  also  opposed   any   Agrements  between   Taiwan  and    China  ,   such  as  the  signing  of   ECFA    ,   the   opening  of   direct   transport   link   the   two   sides  of   the   Taiwan  Strait  .  Why  ?   The  DPP's   Pro-independence  Stance  of   Taiwan   is   the   Barrier   to   make   clear  policy  for   the   taiwan   People  .
       Either  the  KMT  or   the   DPP   .is   without   clear   po;icy   for   Taiwan   People  but   only  lip  service  which   has   brcome   to   know  by   the   people  ,   for  the  people  .   Yes   or   No  is   from   the   Two   Parties  ,  not   from   the   Public   .


Saturday, 9 November 2013

A scenario play in the Legislature with a Director ........../

Judiciary Committee calls for Huang to resign

         Scenario  start  to   play  as   the   following  :
        Ker   then  suddenly  requested  Lo  to    switch  Role  with   him  .
       "  I  will  pretend   to   be  the   Minister   of  Justice   and   you  can  question  me   as   a  Lawmaker   "  Ker said  .
      Lo   followed   Ker's  suggestion  and   started  to   question   him   by   saying   : 

  =Minister   Ker   , Huang   is  not  coming  today  ,  did   you  ask   him  why  and  inqure   as   to   his  reasons   ?
=  Ker  answered  ,  As   the  MOT   minister  ,  how  could  I   deal   with  this  Embarrassing   situation  ?   .........................
=  " I  will   demand  him  (  Huang  )   to  resign  Immediately  "
= Lo   said   ,  "  Minister  Ker   ,  you   are   not   answering  my  Question  ?  
 The   best   Scenario  is  found   in  Taiwan  Legislature   History  .

It   had   a   few   questions  for  Ker  to   Answer  :
  What  is   Moral   Courage  ?
 Who   is   the   Defendant   ?
 Who  is  the   Accused   Person  ?
Who  is  asking  the  Leading  Questions  in  the   Cross   Examination   ?
Do   you   know   the   the   functions  of  the   Judge  Evaluation  Committee  and   the   Prosecutor  Evaluation  Committee  .
I  think  !  Mr.  Ker   has   no   ability  to  answer  the  above  these   questions   because  he   doesn't  understand  the  Indictment  in  Judicial   Branch  of  the   Govrnment  .
        God   bless   with   you  ,  Mr.  Ker  !  


Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Are we ( The U.S. ) without adequate Federal Laws for nearly 100 years ago ? -----------

No clemency for Snowden: White House, lawmakers

       The   US  Federal   Prosecutors    have    charged  Mr.  Snowden  with  theft   and   with   two  Violations  of   the  Espionage  Act   of   1917  .  
       Snowden   has   dnied   any   treasonous   intent   ,  saying  the   disclosed   secrets  to    the   news   media  ,  not  to   hostile  foreign   powers  ,   and   did   so  to   push  for  reform  which   is   now   clear   because   reforms   to   politics  ,  supervision   and   laws    are  being  suggested  .
            [  Snowden   exclaimed   his   position  in   an   open   letter   to   the   US   GOVERNMENT   . ]
"Citizens have to fight against the suppression of information about affairs of essential importance for the public. Those who speak the truth are not committing a crime."
Mr Snowden also set out his position in a letter, which Hans-Christian Stroebele showed to reporters at a news conference in Berlin on Friday.
"Speaking the truth is not a crime," Mr Snowden wrote. He claimed that the US government was persecuting him by charging him with espionage.
On Sunday, the White House said that no offers for clemency were being discussed.
This view was echoed by the Republican Congressman Mike Rogers and Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein.
She said that if Mr Snowden had been a true whistleblower, he could have reported privately to her committee, but had chosen not to.
"We would have seen him and we would have looked at that information. That didn't happen, and now he's done this enormous disservice to our country," Senator Feinstein said in an interview on CBS television.
"I think the answer is no clemency," she said.
The scale of the alleged US espionage has provoked international concern and calls for tighter supervision.
Reports that the US bugged German Chancellor Angela Merkel's mobile phone for years have caused a diplomatic rift.
The head of US intelligence has defended the monitoring of foreign leaders as a key goal of operations but the US is facing growing anger over reports it spied on its allies abroad.
It has also been reported that the NSA monitored French diplomats in Washington and at the UN, and that it conducted surveillance on millions of French and Spanish telephone calls, among other operations against US allies.
US Secretary of State John Kerry said last week that in some cases, US spying had gone too far.
He said he would work with President Barack Obama to prevent further inappropriate actions by the NSA.
      The   Espionage   Act   of   1917  is   too   old   for  present   International     Community  . 
The  President   Woodrow   Wilson   asked   Congress   for   the  legislation     in   December   7,  1915  .

The Espionage Act of 1917 was passed, along with the Trading with the Enemy Act, just after the United States entered World War I in April 1917. It was based on the Defense Secrets Act of 1911, especially the notions of obtaining or delivering information relating to "national defense" to a person who was not "entitled to have it", itself based on an earlier British Official Secrets Act. The Espionage Act law imposed much stiffer penalties than the 1911 law, including the death penalty.[3]
President Woodrow Wilson in his December 7, 1915 State of the Union address asked Congress for the legislation:[4]
There are citizens of the United States....who have poured the poison of disloyalty into the very arteries of our national life; who have sought to bring the authority and good name of our Government into destroy our industries....and to debase our politics to the uses of foreign intrigue....[W]e are without adequate federal laws....I am urging you to do nothing less than save the honor and self-respect of the nation. Such creatures of passion, disloyalty, and anarchy must be crushed out.   

Monday, 4 November 2013

The Prosecutors Evaluation Committee Starts to find out JUSTICE ....

Prosecutors Evaluation Committee begins influence-peddling probe
        Legislative    Speaker  Wang  Jin-pying   and   DPP  legislator   Ker  Chien-ming   refused   to  be  interviewed   over   a  stemming  from   allegation   of  influence   peddling  case  .
       Both, Wang  and  Ker  said  that  such   an  interview   committee  would  infringe   on  the  independence  of  the   Legislature  .
      Evaluation  Committee  commenced  its  investigation  of   the  influence -peddling  case  against   Wang   Jin-pying  .
      It   is  not  against   any  law  and  anyone's  legal   rights  .  Its   function  is  simply  to  help  weed  out   prosecutors   unfit   for   the   job  .
     Wang   and   Ker  did  not  understand   the  Separation  of  Power  in   Democratic  System   but   they  knew   that  they   may   be   giilty  of   influence  peddling   case  .
    They  will  be  summoned  by   the  committee  according  to   the   procedure  . It   is   the   legal   rights  for   them  to  explain   themselves .
     God   bless   with  them  !

           Speaker  Wang  in  hope   of   KMT  membership  :

Wang has not only showed his respect to President Ma Ying-jeou, but also loyalty to the KMT after the revocation of his KMT membership. However, according to a KMT member, since Wang didn't appeal the ruling by the KMT's Disciplinary Committee within 20 days of it revoking his party membership on Sept. 11, the party could do nothing even if Wang decided to appeal now. Wang canceled his appearance at a meeting with Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) and other KMT members recently after his eldest brother Wang Zhu-qing (王珠慶) passed away. Wang yesterday also showed his appreciation for condolences offered by President Ma. When asked about Prosecutor-General Huang Shih-ming's (黃世銘) conviction for disclosing wiretapped conversions to President Ma, Wang said he has confidence in the Judicial Yuan and would respect the result.  Wang failed to show up for an interrogation requested by the Prosecutors Evaluation Committee (PEC, 檢察官評鑑委員會) on Monday. “Their demand violated the autonomy of the Legislative Yuan and was not in accordance with the rules. It would also make an impact on the lawsuit I filed, which is still under way,” said Wang.

      The  Wiretapping   occurred   during  an  investigation  ............ 
The wiretapping occurred during an investigation of a case involving possible corruption by opposition Legislator Ker Chien-ming. Asked whether President Ma and Premier Jiang Yi-huah would be asked to answer questions about Huang's premature disclosure to them of wiretapped conversations between Wang and Ker, Peng said that would be decided only after talking with Huang. Huang briefed Ma on Aug. 31 and Sept. 1 and Jiang on Sept. 4 while an investigation into Wang's alleged influence peddling was still ongoing, the Taipei District Prosecutors Office said in its indictment handed down on Friday. The investigation included the questioning of a witness on Aug. 31 and the wiretapping of the telephone of Lin Hsiu-tao, a prosecutor who played a key role in the case, according to the document. It was not until Sept. 5 that the SID concluded its investigation and decided not to press any criminal charges against the speaker or Ker, the indictment said. Wang allegedly tried to illegally lobby the justice minister and one of Lin's superiors to keep Lin from appealing a ruling by the High Court that found Ker not guilty. The disclosure violated the Criminal Code, which forbids leaks of information in a criminal investigation, the indictment said. Because Wang's alleged influence peddling was discovered through the wiretap on Ker's cell phone, Huang also violated the Communication Security and Surveillance Act when he briefed the president, prosecutors said. Huang denied on Friday that he did anything wrong and said he would resign if he is convicted in his first trial.
        Overview   of   the   Indictment   :  Huang  denied   that  he  did  anything  wrong  and   said   he   would  resign  if  he  is  convicted   in   his  first  trial  . I  think  he  may  commit  in  an   honest  mistake  or   habitually  repeated  .  God   bless  with   you ,  Huang  !   

Thursday, 31 October 2013

U.S. spying went too Far , around the World .

VOA News
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says the nation's surveillance activities went "too far" in some cases, and has promised that will not happen again.

Kerry, in Washington, made the comments Thursday by videolink to a conference in London.

Recent media reports that the National Security Agency was monitoring German Chancellor Angela Merkel's phone calls - and those of other allies,  have ignited anger overseas and in Washington.   The reports were based on documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

The Senate Intelligence committee Thursday approved legislation to tighten controls on what intelligence agencies can do with communications records. It imposes a five-year limit on how long those records can be retained.

The controversy has also made its way to Asia.  Indonesia on Thursday summoned the Australian ambassador in Jakarta following reports indicating that Australia has allowed covert U.S. surveillance programs to operate in its embassies in Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, China and East Timor. 

Australian diplomat Greg Moriarty spoke with reporters following the meeting.

"I've just had a meeting with secretary-general," he said.  "From my perspective it was a good meeting and now I have to go and report directly to my government. Thank you."

Indonesia's foreign minister, Marty Natalegawa, had this to say:

"Well, we are obviously deeply concerned and it's something that we cannot accept.  We have sought clarification, we have sought explanation, both from Australia side as well as the United States government on the reported facilities at their embassies in Jakarta," said Marty Natalegawa.

Media reports said also said that the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta was used for spying on its president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, and other Indonesian leaders.  They indicate the U.S. embassy houses wiretapping equipment that has been used to monitor other Indonesian leaders.  The documents describe the facilities as carefully concealed within embassy compounds.

The Indonesian Foreign Ministry has summoned America's top diplomat in Jakarta to clarify allegations reported Thursday that the U.S. embassy in Jakarta may have been used to spy on President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

On Wednesday, Internet search engines Google and Yahoo expressed dismay over reports the U.S. National Security Agency secretly broke into their communication networks.

In a statement, Google said it is "outraged" at the lengths to which the U.S. government seems to have gone to intercept data from Google's private networks, and said these reports underscore the need for urgent reform. Both Google and Yahoo said they have not authorized the alleged tapping of their communication links.

The new allegations of NSA activity follow a series of recent media revelations of U.S. surveillance activities targeting international leaders and institutions.

                             US spy chiefs hit back in Europe row

Who is the biggest Lie over NSA Surveillance .

US spy chiefs hit back in Europe row
      Either  the  President  Barack   Obama  or   the   US  top   spymaster   Jame   Clapper    should   be   the   biggest  lie  in   the   World  .  Yes  ,  It   is  a   real  International   Watergate  Scandal   from   the  United   States  . 
      The   US   president  Obama   had   been   rejecting   the   idea   that  he  was   awere  of   Washington's   Spying  on   World   Leaders ,  the  35  World   Leaders  .
      But   the  US  national  intelligence   Director   James  Clapper  said   that  the   NSA  and   CIA   cannot  tap  into   any   Leader's  private  communication  without   permission  from  the  White   House  .
     It   will   cause   Emotional  Damage   35   world  leaders  who   had   been   mornitored  phone  calls  by   NSA   ,   the   revealation  based   on  documents   provided   by   Edward   J. Snowden  .
      The   Reputation   of    the  American   People  are   also  damaged   by   the  NSA   spying  or   surveillance  .   Who   is    the   most   responsible   person   in   the   US  government  ?     It   should  be   taken   a  period   of   time  to    cure  the  Damages   of   Relation  or  Trust   between   the   US   and   Uropean  Union  .

The   latest  news   from  The   voa    !

VOA News
The United Nations says it has received assurances from the U.S. government that U.N. communications networks "are not and will not be monitored'' by American intelligence agencies.

But chief U.N. spokesman Martin Nesirky would not comment Wednesday about whether the world body had been monitored in the past, as reported recently by the German magazine Der Spiegel.

Nesirky said the United Nations contacted the United States about reports that the U.S. National Security Agency had cracked the U.N. communications encryption system.

Earlier, members of a European Union Parliament delegation, visiting Washington to discuss the spying issue, said they will look into a claim by the NSA director that European countries helped it collect phone records in Europe.

German European Parliament member Elmar Brok told reporters the loss of trust between Europe and the United States is dramatic and may not be repaired for years.

The EU delegation visit coincided with the latest in a series of news reports based on leaked NSA files, this one alleging U.S. agents hacked into cables used by Google and Yahoo.

A report published Wednesday by The Washington Post said the NSA secretly broke into communication networks used by the Internet giants to move data around the world.

The newspaper said it learned of the classified program from documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and from interviews with "knowledgeable officials."

The report said the NSA and its British counterpart run a project that taps into fiber-optic cables carrying data between global facilities of Google and Yahoo.  The project allows the spy agencies to copy entire data flows, including the content of text, audio and video files.

Google and Yahoo issued statements saying they have not authorized tapping of their communication links.

NSA chief General Keith Alexander said the spy agency does not enter Google and Yahoo servers and only gains access to data by "court order."

President Barack Obama's spy chiefs are on the defensive over the recent news reports, which have angered America's allies and exposed the scale of NSA snooping on telephone calls and Internet traffic.

Alexander has repeatedly said all countries spy on one another, and the allies should discuss a new working relationship.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.         


Saturday, 26 October 2013

The Tatung Changchi Foodstuff Co, Chairman ,Kao has commited the biggest crime . .

  Changchi chairman Kao indicted

           President   Ma  Ying-jeou   demaned   severe   punishments   be   dealt   out   in   the   food   scandal  involving  tainted   cooking  oil   which  was   discovered   to   have   produced  tainted  goods  with  false   labels  by   Tatung  Chang-chi   Foodstuff  Co.  and  others  .  They   have   commited  the   offences    affecting   the  public   Health  ,Safety  , Convenience  ,  Decency  and  Morals  .  It   may  have   the   relationship  with   the  Criminal   Comspiracy  .   The   Government  should  bring   all  of   them   to  Justice  before   the   Law  .

            What   about   the   National  Taiwan   University   Institute   of   Food   and  Science   Technology   Professor    Sun  Lu-hsi  said  that  conttonseed   oil   is   not  a   toxic  oil  ,  so   people  do   not  need  to   Panic .   Oh  !  Professor  ,  Would  you  take   the   responsibility  of  your   Words   ?    Are   you  sure  ?   God  bless  with  you  ! 
         The   following   Note   is   taken   from
Dangers of Cottonseed OilEven though cottonseed oil is a popular alternative for cooking as this oil does not turn rancid due to ts long shelf life, it also has some drawbacks. It is mildly inflammatory in nature and also has some components which may prove harmful to health.

Natural Toxin
According to many nutritionists, cottonseed contains some natural toxins. One such naturally occurring toxin present in the cottonseed is gossypol. This toxin is produced in the seeds and which helps the plant against the infestation of insects. This toxin is used as a component in male contraceptives in China. It can cause a series of reactions in men who suffer from a deficiency of potassium. Gossypol tends to decrease the motility of the sperms and interferes with spermatogenesis. This condition can prove detrimental to men's fertility. The presence of gossypol in the body tends to interfere with the metabolism of potassium and can be a causative factor for paralysis among men who have a low intake of potassium in their diet.

Fat Profile
Another danger is that it has a high content of saturated fats. Cottonseed oil also contains very low levels of monounsaturated fats and heart healthy omega 3 fatty acids. These saturated fats tend to increase the levels of low density lipoproteins (LDL) or bad cholesterol in the body. Continuous use can lead to many cardiovascular diseases like blockage of arteries (atherosclerosis), heart attacks and angina etc. Cottonseed also contains more than fifty percent of omega 6 fatty acids which may lead to the deficiency of omega 3 essential fatty acids. The oil undergoes the process of hydrogenation which creates trans fats, which can raise the levels of serum cholesterol.

Allergic Reactions
Since there is a similarity in the molecular structures of the composition of cottonseed and peanut oil, people who are allergic to gluten or peanuts also suffer from the same allergic reactions after consuming cottonseed oil. Rashes, itching or burning sensation and swelling can be triggered due to an allergy. In extreme cases, the individual may experience breathlessness, scratchy throat and heavy chest.

Genetic Modification
In order to extract oil from cottonseed, these seeds have to be modified genetically. The cotton plants are crossbred with super weeds that are a wild species of weeds. This crossbreed of cotton plants is resistant to infestation of weevils and other insects. These plants also require dangerous herbicides that may be hazardous for human consumption. These herbicides reverse the effect of antibiotics and make diseases like tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea difficult to treat.

Since cotton is not a food crop, many harmful pesticides are sprayed to protect the crop. These pesticides are composed of harmful toxins like cyanide, propargite, dicofol, trifluralin and naled which are carcinogenic in nature. These pesticides seep into the cotton seeds and when oil is extracted from these seeds some amount of toxins gets mixed. Using such an oil for consumption can trigger the development of cancerous cells and make an individual more prone to different types of cancer.


Sunday, 20 October 2013

Majority Party Government and Minority Legislators Party , D.P.P. .

Premier gives policy report on seventh attempt

        After  DPP's  No-confidence  Motion  has   been   failed  the   DPP  caucus   is   looking  like  a  group  of  children  who   lost  their  Mother  in   a   dreamming   walking   on   the  road  without  direction .
      Ker  Chien-ming  held   a   press   conference  outside   the   Assembly  Hall  of   Taiwan  Parliament   where  will   be  taken  the  last  photo  for  him  with  other  DPP   Legislators  .
      Ker   did  not   know  or   understand   about   Chack   and  Balance  System  in  Democratic  countries   and   forgot  the    DPP's   minority   status  in  the   Taiwan   Legislature   Yuan  .
     The   system  of  Check   and   Balances  has   two   components  ,  the   right  to  check  and  the  means  to  actively  Balance  out   imbalances  .Checking  requires  access  
to  information   and  the   right  to   question .   Balancing  reqires   a  mechanism  to   control  to   prevent    the   branches   from  over  stepping  their   constitutional  limits of  power  .    God   bless   with   you,  Ker  !


Prosecutors  to   launch  petition  against   Lawmakers'   Pressure   .
( 21.10.2013.)  From  China  Post  :

The Prosecutors Association, Republic of China (Taiwan) said in a statement that it opposed lawmakers' calls for prosecutors to answer questions at the Legislature, criticizing such requests as unconstitutional.  Citing three constitution interpretations by the Constitutional Court, the association of active and retired prosecutors said lawmakers' powers to investigate and question officials do not give them the right to interfere in ongoing individual cases. Under the Constitution, prosecutors are protected from outside interference when exercising their duties, it said. The statement came after Justice Minister Luo Ying-shay was criticized by lawmakers for defending two prosecutors who did not appear before the Legislature's Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee on Oct. 17. The committee meeting was held to hear a report on an investigation into the wiretapping of one of the legislature's main telephone lines. In addition to calling the lawmakers' demand for prosecutors to attend legislative hearings unconstitutional, the prosecutors association said it opposes any attempt by lawmakers to manipulate and hijack prosecutorial agencies and compromise the independence and impartiality of prosecutors.

Monday, 14 October 2013

D.P.P.'S No Confidence Vote in the Taiwan Parliament .( DPP''s Tender )

  DPP tenders no-confidence motion

         There  is  no  constitutional  crisis  or  issue  and   Government   policy   issue   which  is   yet  unknown  ,  but  it   has  only  the   problem  of  Ker  Chien-Ming  who has   been  charged  with asking  Wang  to   peddle   influence  to  get  a   breach  of  trust  conviction  . 
        DPP  wants   to   make  a   searching  fire   for  Ker's   Defence  ,  for  2014  Nation-wide  Local  Elections  and  the   presidential   election  in    2016  to   find   out  the  guide-line  ,  slogan  and  platform  to   attach  the    Taiwan  Independence   theory  .
      According   to  the   International  Law  ,  taiwan  is  neither  a   sovereign   state  nor  independent   courtry  .

     The   Legislative  Yuan   of  Taiwan  is   one   of   the  most  ugly  parliament   in   the   world  which  is  without  responsible  person  for   the  poor   performance  or   dishonest   mannered  legislators  .
 Kinds   of    No   Confidence  motion  +++++++++++++++++++++++

A motion of no confidence is primarily a statement or vote which states that a person in a superior position - be it government, managerial, etc. - is no longer deemed fit to hold that position. This may be based on said person falling short in some respect, failing to carry out obligations, or making choices that other members feel are detrimental.
In law, a motion of no confidence (alternatively vote of no confidence, censure motion, no-confidence motion, or (unsuccessful) confidence motion) is a parliamentary motion which when passed would demonstrate to the head of state that the elected parliament no longer has confidence in (one or more members of) the appointed government.
A censure motion is different from a no-confidence motion. "No Confidence" leads to compulsory resignation of the council of ministers whereas "Censure" is meant to show disapproval and does not result in the resignation of ministers. The censure motion can be against an individual minister or a group of ministers, but the no-confidence motion is directed against the entire council of ministers. Censure motions need to state the reasons for the motion while no-confidence motions do not require reasons to be specified.
Sometimes, the government will choose to declare that one of its bills is a "motion of confidence". This may be used to prevent dissident members of parliament from voting against it.
In the Westminster system, the defeat of a supply bill (one that concerns the spending of money) automatically requires the resignation of the government or dissolution of Parliament, much like a non-confidence vote[citation needed], since a government that cannot spend money is hamstrung. This is called loss of supply.
When the upper house of a Westminster system country has the right to refuse supply, such as in Australia during the events of 1975, the convention is in a grey area as Westminster governments are not normally expected to maintain the confidence of the upper house.

No  Responsibility  ,  No  Authority !   Why ,  What   are   you   doing   ?  
       God   bless   with   you   !  ...................................

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Snowden: 'US Spying Defines Our Humanty'

Snowden: 'US Spying Defines Our Humanty'

It  is   enough  to  know    about   Snowden 's  overview   of  the  the  American  Civilization  which  has  been  Threatened   by   its  Government  .
      God   bless   with   you  !

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Despite Warming Cross-Strait Ties , The Anti-Secession Law will be in Action .

China able to stage attack on Taiwan by 2020: MND report

It  is  according  to  the  Article  2, 5,  8  and  9  of   the   Anti-Secession  Law  which  is  related to  a   defense   report  released  by   the   Ministry  of   National  Defense   ( MND ),on  9.10.2013 . 
                The   Anti-Secession  Law  was   adopted  at   the  Third  Session  of   the   Tenth   National  People's  Congress  , on  March  14  2005  .
              The  Taiwan   Relation  Act ,  a   U.S.  domestic  Law  which  has  regulated  the   U.S. -Taiwan  relationship  since   1979  .
             The   U.S.  considers  any  effort   to  determine  the   future  of  Taiwan  by  other  than  peaceful  means  a  threat  to the  peace   and  security   of  the  Asia-Pacific  region  of  which  grave   concern  to  the   U.S. 
Taiwan   should  be  careful    to   respond  the   Taiwan   Relation   Act  .
      God   bless  with   the  people  of  Taiwan  !  

Full text of  Anti-Secession  Law 

( Adopted at the Third Session of the Tenth National People's Congress on March 14, 2005 )

Article 1 This Law is formulated, in accordance with the Constitution, for the purpose of opposing and checking Taiwan's secession from China by secessionists in the name of "Taiwan independence", promoting peaceful national reunification, maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits, preserving China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and safeguarding the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation.
Article 2 There is only one China in the world. Both the mainland and Taiwan belong to one China. China's sovereignty and territorial integrity brook no division. Safeguarding China's sovereignty and territorial integrity is the common obligation of all Chinese people, the Taiwan compatriots included.
Taiwan is part of China. The state shall never allow the "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces to make Taiwan secede from China under any name or by any means.
Article 3 The Taiwan question is one that is left over from China's civil war of the late 1940s.
Solving the Taiwan question and achieving national reunification is China's internal affair, which subjects to no interference by any outside forces.
Article 4 Accomplishing the great task of reunifying the motherland is the sacred duty of all Chinese people, the Taiwan compatriots included.
Article 5 Upholding the principle of one China is the basis of peaceful reunification of the country.
To reunify the country through peaceful means best serves the fundamental interests of the compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. The state shall do its utmost with maximum sincerity to achieve a peaceful reunification.
After the country is reunified peacefully, Taiwan may practice systems different from those on the mainland and enjoy a high degree of autonomy.
Article 6 The state shall take the following measures to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits and promote cross-Straits relations:
(1) to encourage and facilitate personnel exchanges across the Straits for greater mutual understanding and mutual trust;
(2) to encourage and facilitate economic exchanges and cooperation, realize direct links of trade, mail and air and shipping services, and bring about closer economic ties between the two sides of the Straits to their mutual benefit;
(3) to encourage and facilitate cross-Straits exchanges in education, science, technology, culture, health and sports, and work together to carry forward the proud Chinese cultural traditions;
(4) to encourage and facilitate cross-Straits cooperation in combating crimes; and
(5) to encourage and facilitate other activities that are conducive to peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits and stronger cross-Straits relations.
The state protects the rights and interests of the Taiwan compatriots in accordance with law.
Article 7 The state stands for the achievement of peaceful reunification through consultations and negotiations on an equal footing between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. These consultations and negotiations may be conducted in steps and phases and with flexible and varied modalities.
The two sides of the Taiwan Straits may consult and negotiate on the following matters:
(1) officially ending the state of hostility between the two sides;
(2) mapping out the development of cross-Straits relations;
(3) steps and arrangements for peaceful national reunification;
(4) the political status of the Taiwan authorities;
(5) the Taiwan region's room of international operation that is compatible with its status; and
(6) other matters concerning the achievement of peaceful national reunification.
Article 8 In the event that the "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces should act under any name or by any means to cause the fact of Taiwan's secession from China, or that major incidents entailing Taiwan's secession from China should occur, or that possibilities for a peaceful reunification should be completely exhausted, the state shall employ non-peaceful means and other necessary measures to protect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
The State Council and the Central Military Commission shall decide on and execute the non-peaceful means and other necessary measures as provided for in the preceding paragraph and shall promptly report to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.
Article 9 In the event of employing and executing non-peaceful means and other necessary measures as provided for in this Law, the state shall exert its utmost to protect the lives, property and other legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan civilians and foreign nationals in Taiwan, and to minimize losses. At the same time, the state shall protect the rights and interests of the Taiwan compatriots in other parts of China in accordance with law.
Article 10 This Law shall come into force on the day of its promulgation