Thursday 29 December 2011

Over View of the 1992 Consensus

The PRC has stated that any group in Taiwan with it has formal talks must support the 1992 Consensus.

The 1992 Consensus was invoked again the following year, when KMT’s chairman Lien Chan and People’s First Party (PFP) chairman Song Chu-Yu made the separate trips to Mainland China to begin party-to-party dialogue between the CCP and the KMT and  the CCP and PFP .  Both leaders explicitly endorsed the 1992 Consensus.

During the debates between the KMT candidate Ma Ying-jeou and DPP candidate Frank Hsieh in the lead-up to the 2008 presidential election,  Ma stated that 1992 Consensus undoubtedly existed,  while the DPP were entitled to disagree with it.

In March, PRC’s state news agency Xinhua in its English website reported a telephone discussion between the PRC president Hu Jintao and his counterpart George W. Bush. The agency reported that it is the PRC’s “consistent stand that the Chinese Mainland and Taiwan should restore consultation and talks on the basis of the 1992 Consensus, which sees both sides recognized that  there is only one China, but agree to differ on its one China definition ”.

In his inauguration speech on 20 May 2008, ROC president MaYing-jeou stated that in 1992,  the two sides of the strait reached a consensus which saw “one China with different interpretations” and the ROC would resume talks with the PRC as soon as possible based on the 1992 Consensus.

So the 1992 consensus is the window of the Taiwan Cross-strait relation , the basis of the dialogue between the PRC and the ROC, a label of the democratic value lightening  above the cross-strait  sky .

The cross-strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) is the window of Taiwan to look out the global economy.

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